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Angelique Geehan
Angelique Geehan works to question and depolarize the many cultural beliefs and practices that can deprive individuals of needed connection with themselves, their families, their clients, and their communities. She offers lectures, consultations, and trainings on babywearing, cultural awareness, and community building for families, birth and health care professionals, and retail and manufacturer staff to help seed communities with as much unconditional compassion and authenticity as possible, while helping families get through their days more easily.
Through Interchange, she offers social justice and cultural competency consulting for individuals and organizations. She also serves as the non-board chair of the Baby Carrier Industry Alliance Educator Committee; on the Transcultural Committee for the National Perinatal Association; and as a training coordinator for BWI of Greater Houston, for which she is also a Master Babywearing Educator.
Topics List
Fundamental concepts in baby carrier mechanics: Optimizing safety, fit, and comfort for yourself and others
Teaching babywearing effectively: using language to boost inclusivity and effectiveness
Bridging business and community: An overview of models of babywearing education
Tying us together: Including babywearing in family and childbirth education
Babywearing Simplified: introduction to using fabric carriers safely and comfortably
Carrier-specific workshops or demonstrations: Using and troubleshooting stretchy or woven wraps of any length, ring slings, pouches, soft-structured carriers, bei dais, simple pieces of cloth, and any other fabric-based carrier in front, hip, back, and feeding-compatible positions
Handling Microaggressions
Why Understanding Social Justice Concepts Matters
Complete training modules for professional babywearing consultants and educators